Online ground school
What is online ground school?
Before you go to the flight school in US, it's important to learn aeronautical theory beforehand. We call it ground school because you learn this on the ground before the flight.
Instructor-led online class
Students who are just starting their flight training often find it difficult to study aviation knowledge on their own. What they need most is a designated instructor who can help them with their overall aviation knowledge. Through instructor-led online classes, students can complete their flight training without major difficulties by simply following the curriculum set by the instructor.
Prepare written test
You can prepare PPL written test through our online-ground school. Our CFI will issue endorsement for you to take a written exam.
Oral test prep
You'll have a test with DPE(designated pilot examiner) in US at every training phase. We can't emphasize enough that you need to prepare for your first Private Pilot Oral exam. We'll help you for this at the end of lecture.
Our instructor has recent experience of FAA checkride. We'll gaurantee that you can pass Private Pilot checkride at once.

Henry Park
Bachelor degree in aviation
FAA Commercial pilot
FAA Instrument rated
What will I learn in online ground school?
Class 1
Airworthiness & Pilot Qualification (2hrs)
Class 2
Principle of Flight & Aerodynamics (2hrs)
Class 3
Airspace (2hrs)
Class 4
Instruments (2hrs)
Class 5
Weather & Weather Services (2hrs)
Class 6
Aircraft Systems (2hrs)
Class 7
Cross Country Planning (2hrs)
Class 8
Oral Prep (2hrs)
Instructor-led online ground school is $600.
Curriculum is made according to ACS oral exam standard. We cover from principle of flight and aerodynamics to Airworthiness Requirements and pilot qualifications.
The lesson is 2 hour for each time, 2 days a week, for 1 months. Total 16 hours. If you want to take more than 2 lessons a week, we can schedule it.
If you fail at checkride, you have to pay checkride fee($600-1000) again. And there will be at least 2 weeks of delay unless you're very lucky. Furthermore, if you fail checkride more than 3 times, there will be disadvantage to get hired as an instructor in that school.
For the reason below, lecture can be canceled. And we'll refund within 5 days from the cause.
After the lecture started:
After 7 days:
When students ask endorsement to take written exam, our CFI can issue endorsement.
It depends on flight school's rule. You can ask to flight school where you'll start flight training.